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(罗彻斯特大学/插图:Julia Joshpe)

澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 dean of undergraduate admissions offers college applicants some dos and don’ts in writing the personal statement.

作者:罗伯特·亚历山大, 本科招生主任, financial aid, 艺术类招生管理, Sciences & 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场工程系.

Many universities ask applicants to include a college application essay—usually a personal statement or similar essay—along with their application materials. With 更多学生申请 比以往任何时候都更受欢迎, and with many of those colleges placing less emphasis on standardized test scores, 入学论文可以是申请人档案的重要组成部分.

我们已经把重点从测试转移到了 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 作为一所有文科课程的私立澳门威尼斯人网上赌场型大学, sciences, and engineering, the undergraduate college draws from a global pool of high-achieving students. 因为几乎所有这些候选人都是班里的尖子生, we use a holistic approach to select those with strong ethical character who align with our institutional values. 那么,作为一名申请者,你怎样才能脱颖而出呢?


许多学生可能会害怕这个过程的一部分. 但要有正确的态度和策略, 你可以写一篇文章来提高你的入学资格. A good college application essay will not overcome poor grades for a student at the lowest end of a school’s applicant pool, 但它可以帮助合格的候选人从人群中脱颖而出.


Pencil drawing graduation cap to illustrate choosing college application essay topic.



The traditional college application essay usually requires an open-ended personal statement in response to broad or general prompts that might have you share a story, 反思一件事, 或者讨论一个话题. 常见申请, 大学申请联盟, and other online college application forms typically provide a set of options from which you can choose.

Of course, some college and universities require you to respond to a specific prompt or question. In that case, you want to make sure to answer that prompt or question clearly and directly.

无论指导方针是开放式的还是具体的, 话题本身并不重要,重要的是你如何表达自己.

And above all: Don’t write an admissions essay about something you think sounds impressive or that you think the admissions officer wants to read. While it’s fine to look at college application essay examples, don’t simply mimic one. 写一些对你来说真正重要的事情.


  • 深入挖掘你主题的一个方面 不要试图在你的大学论文中肤浅地涵盖许多方面. Be brief in explaining who, what, and where; leave plenty of room for why and how.

→ For example: 如果你在写一次改变人生的旅行, 不要用六个段落来描述你的旅行地点, 到那里花了多长时间, and the weather. 我们想知道你为什么去,为什么这段经历是有意义的. 你现在有什么不同吗?


  • Be specific. It’s the details, 而不是一般性的陈述, 这就带来了你的论文——因此, you—to life for an admissions officer who is reading hundreds of personal statements.

→ For example: 如果你在写你有多喜欢高中的体育运动, 讲述一场获胜的比赛(或惨败)。, how you felt, 你学到了什么.


Pencil with text 'do's and don'ts' to illustrate tips on writing college application essay.



Here are a few guidelines for crafting a college application essay that effectively conveys who you are while also helping you stand out from the thousands of other applicants.


  • Present yourself in a dimension that reaches beyond grades, recommendations, and test scores. Think of the things that built your character—maybe a special relationship in your life, 你最有意义的课外活动, 或者是一个改变你思维方式的课程或想法. 我们想知道你的动力是什么, 你如何融入我们的社区, and how your distinctive qualities and experiences would contribute to our interesting and dynamic campus.
  • 确保你的文章反映了这一点 you. 问问你自己:我是唯一能写出这篇文章的人吗? 还是说我的高年级同学都写过?
  • 讲一个关于你自己的故事,包括开头、中间和结尾. 用一个引人注目的开头段落吸引读者,给我们一个惊喜, 教我们一些我们不知道的东西, 或者分享一些脆弱的东西,让我们好奇地阅读更多. Close with a clear ending that ties back to your opening or provides a captivating conclusion to your story.
  • Ask someone to proofread your essay or to offer feedback—but be sure your essay is written in your own voice and style. 让别人代写你的论文对你没有好处!
  • 保持在要求或建议的长度之内. 通常是650字左右. 这表明你能遵循指示. Plus, good writers can adhere to a word limit and still get their point across.
  • 注意格式. If you compose your essay in a word processing software program (like Microsoft Word or Google Docs) in order to use spellcheck or other features, 在复制粘贴到应用程序本身之后,一定要再次检查它. Some of the original formatting might be lost because different combinations of word processing and web browsers can cause errors. 在点击“提交”前仔细检查!

And a few don’ts:

  • 避免写任何虚假、虚假或离谱的东西.
      • 只要不走极端,幽默和创造力也能发挥作用. Remember: You don’t know your reader’s sense of humor—and it might not be the same as yours.
      • Don’t be controversial or sensational for its own sake; but it’s OK to take a risk if you’re sharing a unique viewpoint or a particularly strong conviction that you hold dear.
      • You’re not writing a legal brief for the Supreme Court or trying to sway the audience to your side of an argument. Instead, you’re attempting to share something of yourself with the admissions committee.
  • 避免使用不属于你日常词汇的词汇. 再次强调,做你自己.
  • 不要重复信息 可用于应用程序的其他部分, unless you’re using your college admissions essay to expand upon an activity or academic opportunity that was particularly meaningful to you.
  • 避免重复你的简历 或者写你整个人生的历史. 没有必要列出你在荣誉名单上获得的每一个奖项和学期, but sharing how you felt when a beloved yet demanding English teacher said you were his best student has more potential.

Ultimately, your college application essay is a chance to tell the admissions committee who you are and what is important to you. 我们想知道:你的价值观是什么?

At the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场, for example, we have a motto: Meliora, meaning “ever better.” So, 这是理所当然的,当我们读一篇申请论文时, 我们想知道:你将如何成就你自己, your community, 或者让世界更美好?

告诉我们你的故事. This may be your best chance to come through as an individual, so make the most of this opportunity!


Robert Alexander, 本科招生主任, financial aid, 艺术类招生管理, Sciences & 罗彻斯特大学工程系, has more than 22 years of enrollment management experience in higher education. 他于2020年6月加入澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,此前曾在高级招生部门任职, enrollment, 在米尔斯普斯学院担任沟通角色, 太平洋大学, 和杜兰大学.

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